The well-known sculpture by Nazar Bilyk decorated one of the most picturesque places in France


 Nazar Bilyk, “Rain”

Familiar to all the sculpture “The Rain” by Nazar Bilyk can now be admired not only on the Landscape Alley of Kiev but also in the historic city of Etretat in Normandy. The work was erected in the Les Jardins d’Étretat Landscape Park within the framework of the international exhibition of contemporary sculptural art. The official opening of the project will take place on May 17, writes Afishar.

Since the creation of the sculpture “Rain” is one of the significant works in the work of Nazar Bilyk. And its installation in the capital’s Landscape Alley was almost the first successful demonstration of modern sculpture in Kyiv’s public space.

Les Jardins d’Étretat Park was founded in 1905 on the request of the French actress Madame Tebo. Already in those days, the town of Etret was very popular due to the amazing rocky scenery. Writers and impressionist artists came here, including Claude Monet, who often worked here. For a long time, the gardens were privately owned. In 2016, after creating a new landscape design, the park opened to visitors and since then has become one of the most visited places in the region. Les Jardins d’Étretat affects not only the diversity of plants and futuristic style but also the works of contemporary art, skillfully integrated into the natural environment.
