Strange works of art sold for millions


Very often in auction houses for fabulous money are sold works of art, which not only look strange, but can even shock. Maybe it will surprise you, but what subjects were not honored to become “masterpieces” of art: a sheet with scribbles, a fur cup with a saucer, a jar with real waste of life, an iron with spikes and so on. Whether it is possible to consider them as great works is up to you. However, if the public and experts so highly appreciated these items, then, for sure, there is something unusual in them. In this article we will try to find out how some of the works brought world fame to their creators.

“Untitled”, Sai Twombly
It’s no secret that many people consider this picture as childish scribbles or a simple sheet of paper on which they paint a pen. However, the true connoisseurs of art apparently do not share this opinion, because the work of Twombe was sold 3 years ago at Sotheby’s auction for a record $ 70 million.

“Fur tea set”, Meret Oppenheim.

Swiss surrealist artist Mereth Oppenheim in 1936 gained worldwide fame, creating a fur cutlery (a saucer, a cup and a spoon, covered with real fur). This rather absurd composition almost immediately became a classic of Dadaism and Surrealism, since it combines the incompatible and as it ridicules common sense. Today, this unique facility is located in the New York Museum of Modern Art. It is also worth noting that he did not suffer at all for many years, so if today this work is put up for auction, then its value will be estimated by millions.

“Artist’s Shit”, Piero Manzoni. According to the Italian conceptual artist, he wanted to focus his work on the credulity of buyers who are “ready to buy and shit.” Thus, Manzoni released 90 jars containing 30 g of his own feces. But the author’s colleagues argue that in fact in banks the usual cast. The most interesting thing is that the price of one jar equaled the price of gold for the same mass – $ 37, but in 2007 one of them was sold at Sotheby’s auction for € 124 thousand, which, you will agree, is amazing. What is their value now, can only guess.

“Spatial concept”, Lucho Fontana.

We used to believe that any damage spoils works of art, but not in the case of this artist. Fontana is a true master of paintings with cuts, because his usual at first glance works are sold at astronomical prices. For example, the picture that you see in the photo, went under the hammer in 2012 for $ 1.5 million at the London auction Christie’s.

© Art News Ukraine. Under the guidance of Sotheby’s.