The young French illustrator, Xavier Casalta, shows the miracles of patience and endless talent when creating images in a unique drawing technique dot.
“This style requires diligence, accuracy and attentiveness, and I began to work with a solid black color, but I was always attracted to pointillism, then I decided to try different methods, and drawing points was my favorite technique. Of course, this is not the best option in terms of high performance, but very exciting, “- said the artist.
His latest work, “Autumn”, is a magnificent still life of interwoven colors of daisies, roses and aster. And still ripe vegetables – pumpkin, onions and tomatoes, fruits of grass, sea buckthorn and other autumn gifts of nature of Southern France. It is anticipated that there will soon be a continuation in the form of images of other seasons.
Surprisingly, all these detailed images with a finely transmitted game of shadows and gradients of white, gray, black are created by drawing – a special pen – tiny ink dots with a diameter of 0.10 mm.
The artist calculated that he spent 370 hours, working at a speed of 5-8 strokes per second. So, a series of works entitled “Autumn” contains seven million points, which can be detected only at a close consideration.
Source: https://ukraineartnews.com/news/news/frantsuzkij-hudozhnik-divuje-unikalnoju-tehnikoju